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Institut für Neuroanatomie
BAF is tough, yes, since this epigenetic molecular mechanism seems to participate in most everything during cortical development. But as a tough…
Cultivating our tradition of a New Year’s Reception, the people of the Center for Anatomy gathered to welcome not only the New Year but also the new…
… and therefore went to “Kredo” for a second time to celebrate Christmas and the end of another challenging but successful year. Of course, people…
As the year is coming to an end, it feels good that also the review process of 2 manuscripts came to an successful end by granting their acceptance.
Unusually early, this year the conferences took place at the beginning of October in Chicago. At this impressive place, the 37th edition of Barrels…
In Graz, the Anatomische Gesellschaft held their 118th annual meeting “Cross discipline and Networking”, together with the Austrian and Swiss…